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Why Marry in a Church


Where in Scripture does it say that we must marry in a church?


Scripture does not say that we must marry in a church. This is a matter of canon law, not divine law.

The reason the Church asks Catholics to marry in a church is to remind us that marriage is a sacrament. Marriage is not a mere contractual agreement between two parties, it is a living embodiment of Christ’s relationship to his Church.

All other sacraments normally take place in a church (baptism, confession, Eucharist, confirmation, ordination) unless there is a legitimate reason for the sacrament to take place elsewhere (e.g., anointing of the sick or baptism in a hospital). Sacred acts should normally take place in sacred places.

The Church could permit marriage to take place anywhere and in front of almost anyone. The essence of marriage is the exchange of consent between the spouses. However, in a world that tells us that we can create marriage in any form we desire, the Church wishes to reinforce our faith that marriage is indeed of divine institution.

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