We understand the need to work within a budget to meet your advertising needs. We also know you want to get the best value for your advertising dollar. This translates into the number of people who are going to hear your advertising on our top-rated, award-winning radio broadcast, Catholic Answers Live. CA Live is broadcast live two hours weekdays in more than 350 markets in the U.S. and Canada, and worldwide via Catholic.com. The show is also broadcast through our App CA LIVE, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, and X.
Your cost for a 30-second radio spot is half what you would pay in other comparable Catholic radio markets.
Experience growth, savings, and value for your advertising budget.
Our listeners are engaged in the religious issues of our times and active in their defense of the Faith. Catholic Answers’ reputation as a reliable source of information means our audience trusts us and depends on us to present them with only the best in information, integrity, and in the organizations whose advertisements we choose to run.
We ask our advertisers to present content that is fully in keeping with defined Catholic teaching, and we promise to do the same. Ours is a partnership with the goal of presenting only the very best the Catholic marketplace has to offer.
Catholic Answers Live
30-second spot: $75
60-second spot: $150
If the sponsor is a for-profit organization, the FCC severely limits what the spot can say. The standard format for a spot for a for-profit organization is: “Company X is a sponsor of Catholic Answers Live. Company X’s website is website dot com.” In this case, the monthly rate is:
10-second spot: $50
If you do not already have a radio spot produced, we can create one for a one-time fee of $300.
All radio spots must be within FCC rules and regulations regarding non-commercial broadcasting. Please keep in mind that stations that air our program are also, for the most part, non-commercial and are subject to fines if FCC rules and regulations are violated. Catholic Answers reserves the right to determine what sponsorship/advertising it will accept.
For information not covered here, email radio@catholic.com.