The Catholic Church teaches that Jesus Christ is present (body, blood, soul, and divinity) under both species of Communion. Therefore, to receive either the host alone or to drink from the chalice alone is to receive the true and real presence of Jesus Christ.
[The Council] declares, moreover, that though our Redeemer at the last supper instituted and administered this sacrament to the Apostles under two forms, as has already been said, yet it must be acknowledged that Christ, whole and entire, and a true sacrament are received under either form alone, and therefore, as regards its fruits, those who receive one species only are not deprived of any grace necessary to salvation (Council of Trent, On Communion, First Decree, ch. III).
While receiving Communion under both species is a “fuller” outward sign of receiving from the table/altar of the Lord, it is not necessary in order to receive the fullness of the sacrament. In many places it is simply impractical to distribute Communion under both species due to the physical layout of the church, number of parishioners and available ordinary or extraordinary minsters, etc. There is also the issue of knowing how much to consecrate.