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Who Is Bound by the Seal of Confession?


I was told by a priest that the penitent is also bound by the seal of confession. Is this true?


We are all aware that canon law absolutely forbids the priest to reveal a confession he has heard (can. 983 §1).

Canon law does extend the seal to other persons as well. If an interpreter is used for the confession, he also is bound by the seal of confession (can. 983 §2). The same canon that forbids an interpreter from revealing a confession also mentions that any person who overhears a confession is bound by the seal as well. Therefore, anyone waiting in line for confession who overhears something from a confession is never permitted to reveal to another what he has heard.

However, nothing in canon law forbids the actual penitent himself from revealing what happened during confession.  Any person is free to recount to anyone and everyone what he said to the priest and what the priest said in reply.

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