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When Healing Prayers Go Unanswered


I have received no healing recovery after multiple prayers. What am I doing wrong?


I encourage you to continue praying, but be open to the idea that God heals in many different ways. Physical healing is just one form of healing. We also need healing emotionally, spiritually, and in relationships. Physical healing lasts only a short time – eventually we will again become ill and eventually we all will die. Suffering, while a horrible personal evil, can also be an invitation for us to deepen our empathy for others, deepen our humility, focus on what is truly important in life, and deepen our relationship to God.

St. Paul also had some kind of personal issue that he prayed the Lord to take away and the Lord did not (2 Cor. 12:7-10). In this personal suffering he saw an opportunity to depend ever greater on the grace of God rather than his own devices.

Be open to where God is leading you, what parts of your life other than physical that need healing, and trust that no matter what may happen Jesus will always help you to carry that cross.

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