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What Happens to the Unconsumed Wine


After Communion, when is the remaining wine consumed?


The General Instruction of the Roman Missal:

163. When the distribution of Communion is finished, the priest himself immediately and completely consumes at the altar any consecrated wine that happens to remain; as for any consecrated hosts that are left, he either consumes them at the altar or carries them to the place designated for the reservation of the Eucharist.

279. . . . Care must be taken that whatever may remain of the Blood of Christ after the distribution of Communion is consumed immediately and completely at the altar.

USSCB’s Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Communion Under Both Kinds:

52. When more of the precious blood remains than was necessary for Communion, and if not consumed by the bishop or priest celebrant, the deacon, standing at the altar, “immediately and reverently consumes all of the blood of Christ that remains, assisted, if the case requires, by other deacons and priests.” When there are extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, they may consume what remains of the precious blood from their chalice of distribution with permission of the diocesan bishop.

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