I have a wedding scheduled on an ordinary-time Sunday outside of the normal Sunday Mass schedule. Will this fulfill the Sunday obligation, and may I choose the nuptial Mass readings? Do the Gloria and Creed have to be sung since it’s on a Sunday?
Canon 1248 states that when a Catholic participates at a Mass on a Sunday, the day’s Mass obligation is fulfilled. It does not state that it must be a Sunday Mass. Any Mass, including a nuptial Mass, on a Sunday will fulfill the obligation.
For a wedding on a Sunday in ordinary time there is no obligation to use the prayers and readings of the day (GIRM 372). The only exception would be if a holy day of obligation fell on that particular Sunday (e.g., if the Sunday was August 15, the Assumption).
Because you would be celebrating a nuptial Mass rather than the Sunday Mass, the Creed would not be said, since it is not part of the ritual. However, the Gloria is part of the new order of celebrating matrimony (# 53), so it would be included.
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