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No, the Church Is not Dying


Is the Catholic Church in decline or dying?


The answer is no, the Church is not dying. The Church is growing by great numbers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In fact, according to the Pontifical Yearbook, in 2014 the number of Catholic baptisms increased at a greater rate than the world’s population. In 2014, the Catholic population in Africa increased by 41 percent and in Asia by 20 percent.

In the Western/European world there has indeed been a decline in the numbers of Catholics and practicing Catholics. But that is just one part of the world; it isn’t the measuring stick for the entire Church. At one time northern Africa was a dominant center of Christianity, and Europe was populated by pagan barbarians. Over the centuries the Faith dissipated from northern Africa, and Europe became a dominant center of Christianity. Was that the death of the Church? Of course not.

There have been ebbs and flows, rises and declines of the Church in various parts of the world since A.D.33. Jesus promised the gates of hell would never prevail against his Church. That means the Church will not die, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be occasional tough times.

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