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Must I Be Baptized?


Must I be baptized to go to heaven?


Baptism is necessary for salvation for all who know Christ (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:16, John 3:5). It is the sacrament that cleanses us from original sin and provides a gateway to all the sacraments of Christ (Catechism 1213). Through the sacraments, we unite ourselves to Christ and gain the grace necessary to live a life in accordance with his will.

But if someone wished to be baptized but was prevented from doing so until his death, he would receive the baptism of desire. In a similar manner, if someone were either completely ignorant of the gospel or was improperly taught the gospel and rejected it, but would have converted had he known or been properly instructed, then such a person also receives the baptism of desire (Catechism 1258-1260).

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