The Mass readings use a three-year cycle for Sundays and a two-year cycle for weekdays. The Liturgy of the Hours officially uses a two-year cycle for the Office of Readings.
Within the books of the Liturgy of the Hours is only a one-year group of readings. So where is the second year cycle? The answer is that it doesn’t yet exist. For various reasons, the two-year cycle has never been officially produced and published. Several groups and religious communities have formulated their own second cycle of readings, but these are not universally approved. In Italy, in 1997 a second-year cycle was produced by the Monastic Union for the Liturgy and has received approval from the Holy See for monastic use.
Until the Holy See officially approves the second year of readings, the Liturgy of the Hours remains officially a two-year cycle but in practice a one-year cycle.