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How Is Jesus’ Body in Heaven?


I know God is pure spirit, and so does not occupy space. But what about the divine person of Jesus Christ? Where is his body?


We do know that it is possible for someone to have a body in heaven because Elijah was taken up to heaven (2 Kgs. 2:11).

The resurrected body of Jesus is not a normal human body, it is a glorified body. Jesus was able to enter locked rooms (Jn. 20:19), disappear from sight (Lk. 24:31), appear in a “different form” (Mk. 16:12), and ascend into the sky (Acts 1:9). The glorified body of Jesus was not limited by the physics of our fallen world.

How exactly this all works is a bit of a mystery (1 Cor. 2:9) but we do know that God can bring about any possibility (Lk. 1:37).

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