The Five First Saturdays Devotion is a request made by Our Lady of Fatima. The Blessed Mother promised to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all who, as an act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the first five Saturdays of consecutive months:
- Go to confession
- Receive Holy Communion
- Say five decades of the rosary
- Keep Mary company for fifteen minutes meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the rosary
The sacramental confession can be received within twenty days either before or after the reception of Communion, as the Holy See’s Apostolic Penitentiary has decreed, provided the communicant is in a state of grace for Communion.
Reception of Holy Communion must take place within twenty-four hours of the first Saturday. The reception of Communion need not be part of participating in a Mass.
The fifteen minutes of meditation are in addition to the recitation of the Rosary.