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Divorce, Remarriage, and Conversion


I am interested in converting but my wife does not want to convert. I also have been married once before, and divorced my first wife (due to infidelity). How would I proceed?


The best way forward is to sit down with your local parish priest and discuss the particulars of your situation. The path forward can go in several different directions depending upon the specifics of your situation.

Your wife does not need to convert in order for you to convert. However if she has been previously married then that would need to be addressed before you could convert.

Here is some basic information that the priest will need to be able to help you move forward:

  • Have you been baptized? If so, what faith community?
  • In your first marriage was your spouse baptized at any time? If so, what faith community?

If your spouse from your first marriage is deceased, your second marriage would become the presumed valid marriage.

If neither you nor your wife from your first marriage have ever been baptized you can apply for a Pauline Privilege.

If you were baptized but your previous wife was not, you can apply for a Petrine Privilege.

If at any time during your first marriage both you and your previous wife were baptized then it is a presumed valid sacramental marriage and you would need an annulment before being able to convert.

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