As Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant in his hands, he did not know that the skin of his face had become radiant while he spoke with the Lord. (Exod. 34:29–30, emphasis added).
The Hebrew word that is now usually translated as “radiant” or “shining” can also mean “horned.”
St. Jerome chose to translate it as “horned,” because he believed the word was being used as a metaphor for Moses’ authority and strength that had been gained from his experience with the Lord. In the ancient world, horns were seen as symbolic of power and not as something negative, so St. Jerome believed the word was being used in this manner. In translating it in this way, St. Jerome did not think Moses literally had horns.
Basically, the passage is saying that Moses was noticeably changed by his encounter with the Lord, and it showed in every aspect of his appearance and actions.
Future generations, perhaps not fully understanding the metaphor, would go on to depict Moses literally with horns in art. Imagine if you were to read that someone “looked like a million dollars.” You immediately understand its a metaphor. However, perhaps at some point in the future, an artist might read that and depict the individual wearing a suit of money.