Transitional deacons are bound by the same rules as priests. The Code of Canon Law no longer uses the term “under pain of mortal sin” but does state they are obligated to do so (can. 276 §2, 3). The Congregation for Divine Worship (Prot No. 2330/00/L) clarified that they are morally bound to pray the Liturgy of the Hours and that only a serious inconvenience dispenses them from this moral obligation. Among acceptable serious inconveniences for partial omission of the Hours were listed: ill health, active pastoral ministry/charity, and actual fatigue. The omission, should it take place, is to be partial and proportionate to whatever is causing the inconvenience. Omission of morning or evening Hours is licit only due to grave inconvenience.
Permanent deacons are obligated to say those Hours which are determined by their episcopal conference. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops obligates permanent deacons to pray only the morning and evening Hours. Obviously, for permanent deacons grave inconvenience could also include family or work obligations.