There is nothing in Scripture or tradition that states human beings have authority to command the angels of heaven.
We know that human beings are of a “lower rank” than angels (Psalm 8:4-5, Heb. 2:7) so there is no basis there for us to command angels.
In Scripture, the help of angels is always portrayed as an act of God and not man (Num. 20:16; Dan. 3:28, 6:23; Acts 12:11).
The only Scripture that seems to suggest humans could command angels is in 1 Corinthian 6:2-3, where St. Paul states that humans will judge the angels. However, this line is about the future, not the present. Besides, how humans could judge angels is a problem of logic. Angels in heaven are without sin, so what is there to judge?
Perhaps St. Paul meant that at the final judgment humanity will play a role in the final judgment against the fallen angels. Either way, it is not evidence that in this life human beings can command anything of angels.