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Can Mass Save Someone from Hell?


Does having a Mass said for dead person save them from hell at their judgment?


Having a Mass said for someone after death cannot save them from hell. The reason for this is that grace does not override our choices.

When we have a Mass said for a deceased person we are presuming he is at least in purgatory and that the Mass will help lessen or ease the temporal punishment due to his sins. In this case, we are assuming or hoping that the individual has repented of sin.

Someone who ends up in hell is someone who died unrepentant in a state of mortal sin.  Such a person has refused the grace and mercy of God and therefore has refused any benefit from the sacrifice of the Mass. A worldly and imperfect example would be if I gave you a coupon for a reduced admission to an event. In order to make use of the coupon, you’d have to actually be going to the event. The coupon is of no use otherwise.

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