Fr. Ray Ryland (1921-2014) was an Episcopal priest who converted to Catholicism in 1963. Married and a father of five, he was ordained a Catholic priest in 1983 under the pastoral provision granted by the Vatican. For many years he taught theology at the University of San Diego and Franciscan University of Steubenville. In his later years he was chaplain for the Coming Home Network and Catholics United for the Faith. He also served assistant at St. Peter’s Church in Steubenville, Ohio. Fr. Ryland held a doctorate in theology from Marquette University and a law degree from the University of San Diego.
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Strengthening Brethren 01/01/1998
Council Minus Papacy Equals Chaos 11/01/1997
Papal Primacy and the Council of Nicea 06/01/1997
Will the Real St. Cyprian Please Stand? 04/01/1997
The Epiphany of the Roman Primacy 02/01/1997
Peter and the Orthodox: A Reprise 10/01/1996
Seeing Peter Through Eastern Eyes 04/01/1996
"Frank Dialogue" 12/01/1995
The Eastern Doctrine of the Catholic Church 10/01/1995
Evangelicals Who Journey East 04/01/1995
On His Terms, Not Ours 01/01/1995
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