Father Leslie Rumble (1892-1975) was an Australian convert and priest who in the first half of the twentieth century became one of the best-known Catholic apologists in the English-speaking world. For decades his Question Box radio show explained and defended the Faith before millions of listeners, and became a model for modern Catholic media apostolates. Radio Replies features a collection of the best questions from callers to the show over the years.
More by Fr. Leslie Rumble
In Defense of Confession: A Radio Reply 03/26/2015
The Disasters of "By Faith Alone" 02/01/2003
Will Christ Soon Return? Part II 01/01/1998
Will Christ Soon Return? Part I 12/01/1997
"By Faith Alone?" Part II 06/01/1993
"By Faith Alone?" Part I 04/01/1993
The "Bible Only" Theory: Part II 01/01/1993
The "Bible Only" Theory: Part I 12/01/1992
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