Antonio Fuentes teaches theology at the University of Navarre, Spain.
More by Antonio Fuentes
The Letters of John and Jude 03/01/1996
Song of Songs 01/01/1996
The Book of Numbers 12/01/1995
Lamentations and Baruch 11/01/1995
The Book of Revelation 10/01/1995
The Book of Proverbs 09/01/1995
Judges and Ruth 06/01/1995
The Book of Psalms 05/01/1995
Ecclesiastes 04/01/1995
Timothy and Titus 03/01/1995
Judith and Esther 02/01/1995
Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon 01/01/1995
The Book of Deuteronomy 12/01/1994
The Gospel According to Mark 11/01/1994
The Book of Tobit 10/01/1994
Ezra and Nehemiah 09/01/1994
1 and 2 Thessalonians 07/01/1994
The Book of Jeremiah 06/01/1994
The Book of Acts 05/01/1994
The Book of Genesis 04/01/1994
The Gospel According to Luke 03/01/1994
The Books of the Twelve Minor Prophets 02/01/1994
Sirach 01/01/1994
Letter to the Ephesians 12/01/1993
1 and 2 Kings 11/01/1993
The Book of Job 10/01/1993
The Gospel of John 09/01/1993
The Book of Joshua 08/01/1993
The Book of Leviticus 07/01/1993
The Letter to the Galatians 06/01/1993
The Book of Ezekiel 05/01/1993
The Letters to the Corinthians 04/01/1993
The Book of Wisdom 03/01/1993
The Letter of James 02/01/1993
1 and 2 Maccabees 01/01/1993
The Book of Exodus 12/01/1992
The Letter to the Hebrews 11/01/1992
The Book of Isaiah 10/01/1992
The Letter to the Romans 09/01/1992
The Book of Daniel 08/01/1992
The Books of Samuel 07/01/1992
The Gospel According to Matthew 07/01/1992
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