Phacusa, titular see and suffragan of Pelusium, in Augustamnica Prima. Ptolemy (IV, v, 24) makes it the suffragan of the nomos of Arabia in Lower Egypt; Strabo (XVII, i, 26) places Phacusa at the beginning of the canal which empties into the Red Sea; it is described also by Peutinger’s Table under the name of Phacussi, and by the “Anonymus” of Ravenna (130), under Phagusa. In the list of the partisan bishops of Meletius present at the Council of Nicaea in 325 may be found Moses of Phacusa (Athanasius, “Apologia contra Arian.” 71); he is the only titular we know of. Ordinarily, Phacusa is identified with the modern Tell-Fakus; Brugsch and Navilla, in “Goshen and the Shrine of Saft el-Henneh” (London, 1885), place it at Saft about twelve miles from there.