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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:19 - I’m 43 and I tried to save our marriage. My ex-husband was abusive and I think I did the right thing, so why is divorce so shunned? 
  • 13:24 - Do pious acts and traditions seperate or unify? If they can unify, how can churches go about that?
  • 30:25 - If all the baptized are members of the body of Christ, what if a baptized person doesn’t believe in Catholic teaching? Are they members of the body of Christ?
  • 40:30 - People say love is unconditional. God says that people can go to Heaven if they do certain things. Does this make God’s love conditional?
  • 46:30 - Do Jesus’ words to the good thief make it seem that faith is all that is needed to be saved, not faith and works?
  • 51:31 - Does the the Church teach that Mary didn’t experience pain during childbirth? If so how does it explain Rev 12:2 in which the woman has labor pains?

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