Patrick Madrid is a life-long Catholic. He hosts the popular daily Patrick Madrid Show on Immaculate Heart Radio (M-F, 6-9 am Pacific) and, before launching that show, hosted the Right Here, Right Now show, broadcast on approximately 300 AM & FM stations across the U.S., as well as on Sirius Satellite Radio, and globally via shortwave. He is also a frequent guest and occasional guest-host on Catholic Answers Live.
Patrick has authored or edited 25 books on Catholic themes, including Life Lessons, Why Be Catholic? Search and Rescue, Does the Bible Really Say That? and the acclaimed Surprised by Truth series.
Commenting publicly on the effectiveness of Patrick’s approach to doing apologetics, Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop Emeritus of New York, said, “How do you bring a friend or relative back into the Church? First you pray. Then, you follow Patrick Madrid’s advice in [his book] Search and Rescue.”
Patrick worked at Catholic Answers for eight years, where he served as vice president. A veteran of a dozen formal, public debates with Protestant ministers, Mormon leaders, and other non-Catholic spokesmen, Patrick
has presented countless seminars on Catholic themes, in English and Spanish, at parishes, universities, and conferences across the U.S. and around the world.
For nearly 30 years, Patrick has published numerous popular articles on Scripture, Church history, patristics, apologetics, and evangelization in various Catholic and Protestant periodicals, and he has contributed scholarly articles on apologetics in the New Catholic Encyclopedia.
He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in business at the University of Phoenix, as well as a B.Phil. in philosophy and an M.A. in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum (Columbus, OH). He’s currently pursuing a doctorate in Church history.
Patrick has served as an adjunct professor of theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville and currently teaches as an adjunct professor of theology in the graduate theology program at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut.
Married for 36 years, Patrick and his wife Nancy have been blessed by the Lord with 11 children and 21 grandchildren (so far). His website is www.patrickmadrid.com.