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The hosts of EWTN radio’s popular Take 2 With Jerry and Debbie share their stories of forgiveness, and talk with callers about the power of forgiving, as Jesus said, from the heart.

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • 13:12 - What do you think of this: forgiveness conquers evil?
  • 17:57 - I’ve forgiven my husband for many things, but he has no forgiveness for me in how I’ve responded. How does forgiveness work in this situation?
  • 32:42 - My confirmation sponsor helped me with forgiveness by telling me to pray to God to forgive my parents. It was an act of will and I prayed for months and it really helped me forgive some major abuse that happened to me. What do you think of this process?
  • 43:32 - God gave me a beautiful gift of forgiveness for the abortion I had. I asked forgiveness from the father of my child and my abortionist. Forgiveness really helped me to grow.
  • 47:00 - Is the key loving your enemies and praying for those who spitefully use you?
  • 52:25 - If we forgive a wrongdoer without them asking for it, can God forgive us our sins without us asking for forgiveness?

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