Jerry Usher is the founder and president of Third Millennium Media, an organization dedicated to helping establish new Catholic radio stations and to assisting the needs of existing stations. TMM also works with various other Catholic apostolates to help them establish a presence in Catholic media. You can learn more about the work of TMM by logging on to www.thirdmillenniummedia.com.
During his 32 years of professional media experience, Jerry has created and hosted numerous radio programs, served as program director for various stations and networks, and helped to start new Catholic radio stations. He remains in high demand as the on-air host for Catholic radio fundraisers across the country. To date, he has hosted nearly 200 pledge drives that have helped Catholic stations and networks raise more than $100 million for their operating expenses.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Philosophy from Franciscan University of Steubenville. In addition, he has completed two years of graduate theological studies in the seminary, part of his six years of formation for the priesthood from 1989-95.
Maintaining a deep love of the priesthood and a desire to promote vocations, Jerry founded and heads an initiative called Vocation Boom! The apostolate features an award-winning web site (www.vocationboom.com), a weekly radio show that’s heard around the United States on more than 200 AM and FM stations via the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network, as well as on Sirius Satellite Radio and the Internet. Jerry and his colleagues are currently developing the next phases of their apostolate, a Vocation Boom TV show, which they hope to debut soon, and on-location broadcasts and events at seminaries and colleges around the U.S.