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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 13:24 - How do we make amends for our sins in Purgatory? Are we tortured?
  • 20:49 - I have a non-Catholic friend who states that Catholics are not Christians. How can I show that Catholics are Christians?
  • 29:44 - Can you have too many intentions for your rosary or chaplet?
  • 33:51 - If Moses saw God’s power and got old, why didn’t the apostles get old when they saw Jesus’ power?
  • 36:18 - Did any of the Church Fathers write about the miraculous birth of Christ?
  • 44:50 - An associate pastor at a non-Catholic church drew a parallel between Passover of in Exodus and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Can you recommend a reference that I can use to help this pastor see the connection to the Mass?
  • 49:07 - Will you elaborate why we call Mary our Mother?
  • 52:37 - Is there life in the universe besides on Earth?

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