The state of the Church can be overwhelming. JD Flynn, co-founder of The Pillar, tells us what the true state of the Church and what we as lay people can do about it.
Overview of the Talk:
– The beginning of a challenging time for Catholics with the revelations about Cardinal McCarrick and the Pennsylvania grand jury report.
– The implementation of the Dallas Charter in 2002 brought reforms and improved child protection in the Church, but recent events raised questions about the extent of abuse and accountability within the Church.
– Flynn shares a personal anecdote about a safer environment in the Church compared to a public preschool, highlighting the need to address the impact of abuse on individuals’ spiritual lives.
– The bishops’ meeting in 2018 was marked by protests and security measures, and the subsequent events, including a global summit on abuse, raised concerns about the effectiveness of reforms.
– The COVID-19 pandemic further impacted the Church, leading to the suspension of Mass, divisions over safety measures and vaccinations, and financial concerns.
– The need for reform is identified in areas such as governance, communication, teaching, and leadership within the Church.
– Flynn emphasizes the ordinary course of the Church’s life involving conflict, division, and reform throughout history.
– A survey among priests and bishops revealed high levels of personal flourishing but a lack of trust and low morale regarding the life of the Church and the leadership of bishops.
– Renewal of the Church through trust in God’s grace, aspiration to holiness, and love for the Church as our mother is emphasized. – Prayers for the Church’s renewal and trust in the Lord’s power to overcome challenges are encouraged.