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Standing Up for Human Dignity

Christians are called to leaven the world not retreat from it. In 1999, then 21-year-old Anna Halpine, a Canadian music student, founded the World Youth Alliance (WYA) to unite young people across the globe in a common defense the human person. Since then, WYA members have influenced local, national, and international policy including at the United Nations. She is now working with Fertility Education and Medical Management (FEMM), a comprehensive women’s wellness program for authentic reproductive health, and the Human Dignity Curriculum, an evidence-based K-12 school curriculum that teaches children personal identity and the value of every human life. Anna believes that defending human dignity requires wit and wisdom, as well as state-of-the-art approaches that families, schools, and governments can implement on the ground. Her winning manner, careful science, and love of the truth have led to remarkable partnerships and collaborations across the United States and globally.

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