Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers briefly lays out the Liturgy of the Hours format and explains how we can find time for it in our busy schedules.
Host: Patrick in Rockwall, Texas listening on Guadalupe Radio. Patrick, you’re on with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers.
Caller: Howdy guys. I’ll get to the question which is: I’m trying to incorporate the Liturgy of the Hours into my life but I’ve also got a 16 month old that we finally got to start sleeping through the night, so I’m not super keen about midnight or 3 a.m. Is there a way to do it, you know, just during the daylight hours? And I’ve got the Laudate app too, so is there a way to do it with that app?
Dn. Harold: Well, what I would say is, download iBreviary and use that, and the thing about the Liturgy of the Hours is that it sanctifies the day. So there’s prayers in the early morning, mid-morning, midday, mid-afternoon, evening, and before you go to bed. So just pick the ones that fit the part of the day that you’re in. So for example, I pray the full office every day. So for you, given your schedule, it may be morning prayer, which takes about 20 minutes, evening prayer takes about the same amount of time, 15-20 minutes, night prayer or Compline takes about 10 minutes, if even that, you know. So there are prayers in there that you can kind of fit in to whatever part of the day that you’re in, and you can sanctify, make holy that timeframe with—by using the Liturgy of the Hours in that way. And I like iBreviary because the way that it’s laid out, you don’t have to flip back and forth, you just have to just go through and it has everything laid out in chronological order for you. Does that help, Patrick? Oh yeah, that helps quite a bit. Thank you.