Have you searched the internet for “Catholic Church near me?” You’re not alone. Finding a Catholic church near you, including Mass times on Sundays and other holy days of obligation—and especially while traveling—can be a challenge. At Catholic Answers, we know making it to Mass is vital for remaining in God’s grace as well as for your spiritual growth.
To simplify this for you, we’ve teamed up with Mass Times. Now you can easily find a nearby Catholic church and accurate Mass times with just one click.
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Our heartfelt mission at Catholic Answers is to guide souls to Jesus Christ. If you’re a practicing Catholic, returning to the Faith, or new to Catholicism, we’re here to help you on your journey. Our primary focus is leading you to Jesus, and one way we do that is by helping you get to Mass.
Examination of Conscience
How to prepare for confession:
(En Español) Descarga gratuitamente nuestro examen de conciencia en formato PDF.
How to prepare for Holy Communion
Jesus told his disciples to go to the upper room and prepare for the Passover. Here’s how to prepare your heart for receiving him in the Blessed Sacrament. We want our hearts to be ready to receive our Lord in Holy Communion. To do this, we need to make sure we confess any serious sins we have committed before coming forward to receive the Eucharist.
Catholic Answers provides a comprehensive range of resources designed to guide individuals of all ages through preparing to receive the sacrament of reconciliation and fostering a deeper understanding and connection to our Lord and your faith in general. For adults, teens, and children alike, our ministry offers invaluable examination of conscience PDFs (above), ensuring a thorough and thoughtful examination of your actions, thoughts, and choices. A Spanish language version PDF is available as well.
For adults seeking reconciliation, our tailored resources offer profound reflections on moral choices and spiritual growth. The carefully crafted questions prompt introspection which help individuals identify areas for spiritual improvement and also aids in the overall reconciliation experience.
Teens, who face the unique challenges of adolescence, benefit from our age-appropriate examination of conscience materials. Catholic Answers recognizes the importance of connecting with the younger generation, providing them with relatable material that encourages self-reflection and personal accountability.
Children, too, are not left out of this transformative process. Catholic Answers offers resources specially designed to engage and educate young minds as this introduces them to the sacrament in a way that is both approachable and meaningful.
Catholic Answers’ examination of conscience PDFs serve as invaluable tools for individuals at every stage of life, fostering a genuine and sincere preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation. By offering accessible and thoughtful resources, Catholic Answers empowers individuals on their spiritual journey, guiding them towards a more profound and enriching encounter with our merciful Lord Jesus in the sacrament.
Catholic Prayers for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Prayer to the Holy Spirit before making Confession:
Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind, that I may clearly know my sins.
Touch my heart that I may be truly sorry for them
And live a better life. Amen.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee, and I detest all my sins not only because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.
Top Ten Questions People Have about the Catholic Mass:
- Do I have to go to Mass every Sunday?
The Catholic Church reflects this obligation in its Code of Canon Law: “On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are bound to participate in the Mass” (1247). - Where is the Mass found in the Bible?
The structure, words, and gestures of the Catholic Mass are all deeply rooted in the Bible. Catholics are Bible Christians and the Mass arguably displays this reality better than anything else. - Why should I go to Mass?
When Catholics understand what the Mass is, going becomes less an obligation and more a joy. - Do I have to go to Mass if I’m ill?
Here’s what you need to know when you’re sick on a Sunday or other holy days of obligation. - If I forgot to go to Sunday Mass. Is it a mortal sin?
At the center of this question is understanding whether you can commit a sin on accident. Read on to learn how you can remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. - Is watching Mass on TV as good as the real thing?
During the pandemic, many of us watched Mass on our screens. Churches were closed and there were no other options. Here’s what you need to know about watching Mass on TV vs. participating in the real thing. - Can non-Catholics participate in Mass?
Catholics invite and welcome people to join us at Mass. We hope to make these guests comfortable, and this bit of information will help you explain how they can participate. - Is bringing small children to Mass good or too distracting?
Children aren’t obligated to attend Mass, but they, along with their periodic noise, should still be welcomed and embraced. - Why do Catholics genuflect at Mass?
Some of our gestures and movements may seem strange. Here’s the reason we genuflect at church. - Why do Catholics offer Masses for the dead?
The fast answer is that charity demands it. For the full explanation, read on.
Additional Resources:
A concise, informative explanation of the sacrifice of the Mass in just 32 pages. Revised for the New Mass translation.
20 Answers: The Mass will increase your understanding of what the Mass is, how it works, why the Church requires our participation in it, and how you can benefit more fully from its inexhaustible spiritual riches.