Stacy Trasancos
Stacy Trasancos has a Ph.D. in chemistry from Penn State University and worked as a senior research chemist for DuPont before converting to Catholicism. She left her career to stay home with her highly complex composite systems who call her Mommy. In those years, she earned a M.A. in dogmatic theology in between synthesizing meals, doing housework, and keeping a large family together. She took up writing and has published five books on the integration of science and theology. She is working on a second doctorate, this time in philosophy at St. Patrick's Pontifical University in Ireland. Dr. Trasancos teaches online science and theology courses for Seton Hall University and Holy Apostles College and Seminary, is a Fellow of the Word on Fire Institute, and frequently appears on Catholic radio, podcasts, and television. After the publication of her book, Particles of Faith, Forbes wrote, "Trasancos represents a very rare bird, the scientist who did not cease to be a geek even after she got religion."
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Evangelizing Through Science in a Culture Longing for Truth
We live in a time when we can engage the public through science, leading people to ask the biggest scientific question of all: “Who made all of this?” Rather than rejecting science because it might pose difficult questions, Catholics can evangelize through science.
Particles of Faith: How Science Led Me to Christ
I have always loved science and left behind faith to pursue it. In graduate school, I had my comeuppance standing before an old gingko biloba tree during my time researching artificial photosynthesis. In the search for truth, I realized that my love of science had been a search for God all along. Granting assent to the articles of faith was the most satisfying leap I ever made as a scientist and, more importantly, as a person.