That’s a question only God can answer (see CCC 1021-22). Though Billy Graham was not a Catholic, as a Christian he dedicated his life to preaching the redemptive love of Jesus Christ for all mankind, and he had friendships with prominent Catholics like St. John Paul II.
If one refuses to become Catholic knowing that Christ made the Church necessary for salvation, that person couldn’t be saved because it would be tantamount to rejecting Jesus, through whom all salvation comes (CCC 846; Acts 4:12; Timothy 2:4). But only God can answer that question for any non-Catholic (see CCC 846-48). And, of course, each Catholic will also face their own particular judgment before God (CCC 1021-22).
For more on the salvation of non-Catholics, see our response on the subject.
Photo by Unknown author – National Archives of Norway, CC BY 4.0