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Why Mohammed Was Not a Real Prophet


Was Mohammed a real prophet?


Jesus Christ came to definitively fulfill the law (Matt. 5:16-17; see 1 John1:1-3). Jesus is the final prophet, the fulfillment of divine Revelation (Heb. 1:1-4, CCC 436).

Given that reality, we charitably submit that Mohammed cannot be an authentic prophet of God, because he sees himself, not Jesus, as the fulfillment of divine Revelation. Consequently, while we would not recognize his reported messages from the Angel Gabriel as authentic, Mohammed taught that Jesus is a prophet but not the eternal Son of God who redeemed us through his one sacrifice of Calvary. Again, these words are said in charity to our Muslims friends and neighbors out of true love, not disparagement. Similarly, when Muslims deny the true identity of Jesus, we respond that they’re mistaken, but we don’t presume blasphemous insult on their part.

It’s essential to proceed in such charity in giving fruitful witness to our Muslim friends and neighbors.

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