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Why Joyful Protestants Outside Salvation of the Church?


If salvation is not found outside the Catholic Church, why do so many Protestants have such joy?


One must properly understand the Church’s teaching on this important matter, which is set forth anew in CCC 846-48.

Perhaps more clearly expressed, there is no salvation without the Church. That is, one cannot receive salvation apart from the Catholic Church, even if they don’t realize that, or fully realize that. In other words, Jesus founded the Church, the new Israel, as his instrument of salvation (see Matt. 16:18-19). And so all that Jesus makes available to us for our well-being, both on earth and regarding the hereafter, comes to us through his one Catholic Church, although it may extend and bear fruit beyond the visible boundaries of his Church.

In this light, we realize that our Protestant brothers and sisters, though not in full communion with the Church, can still experience some of the joy-inducing benefits of a relationship with Christ and his Church. This reality should not result in our being passive or presumptive re: their salvation, but rather solicitous for such in a joyful missionary way, as Jesus call us to be one as he and the Father are one (John 17:20-23).

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