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Why Does God Love Us?


why does God love us


God loves us because we are made in his image and likeness, able to know and love in him in return, and thus distinguished from all creatures in the material world (Gen. 1:26-27).

In addition, despite our sinfulness, God really shows that he loves us by not abandoning us in our sins. Instead, God the Father lovingly sent his only begotten eternal Son to redeem us from sin and death (John 3:16-17). And the Passion and Death of his Son Jesus Christ served as a fitting way to show us God’s great love for us as well as the ugliness of sin.

Jesus, the Incarnate Word and thus God-man, loves his Father and loves us, and so he was obedient to his Father’s salvific plan for humanity. Jesus teaches us that there is no greater love than to lay one’s life for another (John 15:13). And then he perfectly exemplified it on behalf of all of us.

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