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Wedding of Cana: What if the Wine Had Run Out?


What would have happened if Mary hadn’t of intervened when they ran out of wine?


You ask an interesting but ultimately speculative question. Had the Blessed Mother not intervened, it’s possible that her divine Son Jesus would’ve have intervened directly and had the wine miraculously replaced. Or perhaps the wine would’ve simply run out, although this would seem rather unbecoming for our Lord and Our Lady to permit.

As it is, Mary did intervene, as both Jesus’ Mother and most faithful disciple, giving us words of wisdom that ring down the corridors of salvation history: “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5).

And Jesus lovingly responded to his Mother’s request, for while his hour had not yet come to suffer and die for us (John 2:4), he performed his first public miracle by turning water into wine.

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