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Tithing to Your Pastor or Your Parish?


My priest asked that we give all tithe to him personally and not left in the collection baskets or given to the treasurer. Is it ok? and should we ask about what our tithe are doing in helping the community?


Whether you give your weekly donations directly to your pastor, in the parish collection, or drop off directly to the parish business/financial manager, make your check out to the parish, not to any individual in parish leadership. Doing so should ensure that your weekly checks are processed properly. If you have any remaining concerns, you could check with your parish business manager to make sure your checks are being processed correctly and you’re receiving credit for your donations. You could also do so through direct bank deposits that your parish manager would receive and for which he can give an account, as many parishes now receive weekly donations in this way as well.

Regarding how the weekly collection money is spent, including beyond the immediate parish community, your pastor and parish business manager should be able to give you a formal breakdown of annual parish revenues and expenditures. That’s standard practice in parishes across the country. And if you have still have concerns after all of that, which we hope you don’t, you may contact the vicar general at your diocesan chancery/main office.

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