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The Hebrew Roots Movement


What sources would you recommend using with someone who considers himself a "Messianic believer" and ascribes to some of the teachings of the Hebrew Roots movement?


The New Testament, especially Acts and the epistle to the Galatians, would be the best starting points for reading. Then one could examine the works of St. Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeus’s Demonstration of the Apostolic Faith. These are ancient works, and they depict the faith and practice of early Christians.

The Hebrew Roots movement is just one example of the heresy of the Judaizers who maintained that Christians should still be bound by the Mosaic law. The fact is that the observances of the worship of the Old Testament have been replaced by the sacraments established by Christ and the worship his Church has developed around the sacraments. Obviously, since Catholics accept the Old Testament, there are many references to Old Testament worship and its themes in Christian worship. Even so, we never, ever observe the worship of the Old Law as though it were still required by God or efficacious for us.

To argue that we must still observe the Old Covenant worship is implicitly to reject the worship established by the Savior.

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