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Questioning the St. Michael Prayer


Why do we ask archangel Michael to defend us from the devil when Jesus already defeated the devil on the cross?


All we have to do is look at the role of St. Michael described in the twelfth chapter of Revelation to see that he has an ongoing role in the fulfillment of God’s designs after the redemption accomplished by the Savior. Of course, each and every Christian has the role of a defender from evil, obtaining by prayer and good example good things for his or her fellow believers. That Christ is the absolute and only savior is clear, but it is also his will that the power of his salvation is shared with those who are united to him in his mystical body: the angels and saints.

So Protestant objections to prayer to the saints and angels, which make it sound as though the unique and principal place of Christ were being denied, are unreasonable. Every Christian may reasonably depend on the prayers of every other Christian, whether living or dead or glorious in the kingdom of heaven.

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