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Praying for Oneself in Purgatory


Is there a reference in the Bible that says the souls in purgatory cannot pray for themselves?


There is no scriptural verse that says the faithful departed in purgatory can pray for themselves. And it’s an open theological question as to whether they can pray for us on Earth.

However, insofar as they cooperate with God’s will in purging themselves of various attachments (see the Catechism 1030-32; 1473-73)—which is distinguished from their being forgiven of the eternal guilt/punishment of their sins for which only Jesus can atone—they are certainly doing God’s will. While one might not call that a prayer for oneself, it’s certainly a beneficial and necessary spiritual exercise for anyone on the way to heaven.

So on one hand, those in purgatory are assured of heaven, as they have definitively chosen Christ and his kingdom. On the other hand, they still must undergo a purgation of their various attachments, including regarding the effects of their sin, which will collectively be no walk in the proverbial park, as various saints have affirmed.

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