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Pray Together Before Dating?


Should a guy and girl pray together before dating? Will it build spiritual intimacy prematurely?


Nothing prevents two Christians from praying together. In itself it is a good thing to pray together before going on a date, but one must be sincere about the intention: just a simple prayer, no manipulation or just making it an excuse to be alone. The best thing would be if you good go to a church and make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament together. Being completely alone with your date is usually not a great idea, but praying with her is.

In the old days, there was a rhyming saying in Latin among priests: Solus cum sola, non dicunt Ave Maria!, which translated is, “A boy alone with a girl alone are not just praying Hail Marys!” There may be something to that. Pray together, but have a pure intention.

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