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Our Resurrected Physical Relationship with Jesus


What will be the nature of our physical relationship with Jesus after our resurrection?


“Physical” means on the level of bodily nature. So we will be able to perceive Jesus bodily as he was perceived by those who saw him after his resurrection in the Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles—by sight, by hearing, by touching. That is, from the point of view of our bodies extended in space, we will relate to his body as we do to any body now while we live in the flesh.

However, on account of the particular endowments of the glorious, resurrected body, we will relate to him and others with him in the light of his clarity, and agility, being able to perceive a kind of overflow of his glory in his body, as in the Transfiguration, and being able to move with him unimpeded by the weight of corruptibility.

And most of all, on account of bodily immortality, we will never be separated by death. We will be able to embrace him and see and hear and speak with him. How he will accomplish this with so many is already foreshadowed perhaps in the mystery of Our Lord’s eucharistic presence.

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