We would encourage you not to overthink things. You’re personally obligated to make a firm purpose of amendment regarding the sins you confess in confession, and to follow through on the penance the priest confessor assigns you (see CCC 1451; 1459-1460; 1490-1491).
And it’s good to do reparation for the sins of others, but don’t become preoccupied with failing to remember to do so, even if you mentally committed to do so previously. In addition, you may be experiencing scrupulosity, which encompasses seeing venial sin where this is actually no sin and mortal sin where there is at best venial sin or no sin at all.
Scrupulosity is the tendency to see mortal sin where there is, at best, venial sin or even no sin, and to see venial sin, where there is no sin. It’s also marked by an obsessive concern with personal failings and an accompanying great difficulty to accept forgiveness, especially from God. And so possibly not forgiving yourself, even when you’ve been forgiven via the Sacrament of Confession. And to ruminate about these matters (OCD), even when they’ve been resolved in the confessional.
Speak to a good local priest, who can guide you further in that regard, and possibly to a licensed medical counselor who is respectful of your Catholic faith.
See also this resource of ours and this one regarding dealing with scrupulosity.