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May I Patronize an OB-GYN Who Dispenses Contraceptives?


Can I continue to use my ob/gyn, even though he promotes artificial birth control and possibly abortion? I am post-menopausal and have gone to him for many years.


Yes, you may, although I would caution doing so for a woman in her childbearing years who is not well-formed in her faith. And even if she is well-formed, I would counsel caution, encouraging as an alternative a competent OB-GYN who is available and abides by the Church’s teaching—provided one is available. I would counsel caution, because a faithful Catholic wife may find herself in a challenging situation regarding openness to more children, or carrying a difficult pregnancy to term, and an OB-GYN who is not faithful to the Church’s teaching would likely counsel an immoral “resolution” to these challenges.

Given that you’re post-menopausal, there is no need for caution. In fact, given that you’re a faithful Catholic, you could use your long-term doctor-patient relationship to encourage your physician to be open to the Church’s teaching on these related issues. Your OB-GYN may not hear this liberating truth from someone else, so that can be an incentive to your continuing as their patient, as opposed to opting for another doctor.

To be clear, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with seeing a doctor who doesn’t fully agree with the Church’s teaching on various medical matters, provided you don’t seek treatment that violates the Church’s teachings. Again, you may be able to plant seeds in humbly sharing your faith during your medical visits.

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