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May I Attend More than One Parish?


Can I attend more than one church if I still receive communion every week?


You may participate in the Sunday Masses of more than one parish, although you should be registered at one parish in particular. Fulfilling your Sunday obligation does not require that you receive Holy Communion every week, although that is certainly strongly recommended.

In any event, if you fulfill your Sunday obligation at the Mass of one parish, you’re welcome to participate in the Sunday Mass of another parish. You also may receive Communion at that second Sunday Mass. The Code of Canon Law provides that a person may receive Holy Communion a second time in the same day, provided he does so during a celebration of the Eucharist in which he participates (canon 917). The stipulation that one receive the second Communion at a Mass “in which he participates” doesn’t apply in the case of those in danger of death (canon 921).

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