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Mary: Highest and Most Noble of Creatures


If Christ’s human nature was created, then could Mary still be above all creation (like Christ’s humanity)?


Christ’s human nature is created, but the man, the person who possesses that nature is divine, is God the Son. Thus he is the “firstborn of all creation,” as St. Paul calls him: “through him and in him all things exist.”

This being said, it is still true that, after Christ, his Blessed Mother is the highest and most noble of creatures on account of her divine maternity and her surpassing holiness. This means that Our Lady in a sense contains the created, material world, and also the created, spiritual world, as she contained the Lord in her womb. She is called in the Byzantine liturgy “more spacious than the heavens.” Just like the heavens “contain” all the stars and planets in them, so the Mother of God contains the visible and invisible universe like their ultimate goal or limit before God. This is at least the image used in the writings of the saints to describe Our Lady’s relation to the rest of creation.

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