Yes, but don’t just “plan” to stay in separate rooms, really stay in separate rooms. You will have a much happier trip if the two of you manage to live by the commandments of God the whole time. The principle at work here is that of avoiding the near occasions of sin—that is, not deliberately putting ourselves in a situation where it is likely that we will fall into grave sin.
The chances are great that if you sleep in the same room or bed with a woman who is not your wife, but to whom you are attracted, you will end up having intercourse with her. Thus, if you are sincere in avoiding this sin, then you must be resolute to stay out of situations wherein it would be likely. Pray together for a happy and holy relationship, but don’t fool yourself that you can live together before marrying, even for a short time. And don’t use saving money as an excuse: if you want a room together, then get married!