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Is It Harder for a Priest or a Deacon to Get to Heaven?


Is it harder for a priest or a deacon to get to heaven?


Salvation is a free gift from God (cf. John 15:16), so it’s important to remember that no one earns heaven by his own actions.

On the other hand, Jesus calls us to become perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect (Matt. 5:43-48). In the process, Jesus also says that to whom much has been given, much will be expected (Luke 12:48).

So God will expect much from the great gifts and leadership role he’s given, for example, to priests. And thus, even if a priest maintains communion with God, he might face a greater purgatory if he has not fully given himself to God and his given mission (see 1 Cor. 3:15). And yet, because they can be singleminded for God and uniquely celebrate Mass and other sacraments, priests are in a rather advantageous position to seek God and benefit from those great gifts.

In the end, we know that God will judge everyone—clergy, religious or lay person—in a mercifully just way.

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