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Husband Who Insists on Onanism


What do I do about my non-Catholic husband who insists on using withdrawal method rather than using NFP?


We are sorry to hear of your trial. Perhaps you and your husband could visit a good Catholic therapist who could be helpful in explaining how God has inscribed an unbreakable bond between the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) aspects of the marital act. As you convey, the use of Natural Family Planning (NFP) illustrates that a couple must not necessarily intend to procreate a child in every marital act; however, they must be open to such a procreative fruit and therefore not act to deliberately thwart it via some contraceptive means, of which onanism—a husband’s withdrawal from his wife or coitus interruptus—is one example.

Regarding counselors, beyond local recommendations you may receive on your own, we recommend you contact the Pastoral Solutions Institute.

and Catholic Therapists.

Both of these Catholic entities may be able to give you local recommendations as well.

Finally, for more on this issue, see our previous answer on the topic as well as this article on Onanism.

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