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How Did the Protestant Reformation Impact Catholics?


Does the reformation affect Catholics?


The Protestant Reformation affected Catholics in several ways. For example, the Catholic Church further elaborated and clarified its teaching through the ecumenical Council of Trent, including re: the sacraments, how we are saved, and Sacred Scripture. This enabled Catholics to better know and live their faith.

In addition, reforms were made, including stopping ill-gotten gain re: the abuse of indulgences.

And because of the significant defection of Catholics to various forms of Protestantism at that time, it led to the redoubling of efforts re: the Church’s Great Commission received from our Lord (Matt 28:18-20). That mission continues today, not only in striving to bring our separated brethren into full communion but also preaching Christ and his Church to all non-Catholics (see CCC 846-48).

For more on the Council of Trent, see this link to the conciliar documents. And for additional information on the Reformation, read this article and this article from Catholic Answers.

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